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Thursday, May 9, 2024

KANs and AlphaFold 3

Taking a break from my posts and reading on thermodynamic computing just earmarking here a lot of interesting things that are going on in the ML/AI world.

Kolmogorov-Arnold networks (KAN)

Last week there was a preprint about a new deep learning architecture called Kolmogorov-Arnold networks(KAN). These are in contrast to multi-layer perceptron (MLP). What is really interesting is that instead of learning the linear weights on edges, $\mathbf{W}_i$1, of a layer:

$$ \sigma(\mathbf{W}_i\cdot\mathbf{x}_{i-1} + \mathbf{b}_i) $$,

that are passed to a fix non-linear activation function, $\sigma$, the network learns the parameterized non-linear activation function themselves. The learning of the non-linear functions is done on the edges and then a summation operation on the nodes (i.e., where the activation function in MLPs would normally be done) is performed. Mathematically for the interlayer (i.e., edge operation) you would have:

$$ \begin{equation} \Phi(\sum_i^n \phi_i(x,\mathbf{\alpha})) \label{eq:KA} \end{equation} $$

here the $i$'s are the edges the functions live-on that link node in between layers. The key point is $\phi_i$ are the learned non-linear functions with parameters $\mathbf{\alpha}$2. In the paper they use b-splines to learn the functions $\phi_i$. My guess is they choose these over other basis functions because b-splines can be locally controlled and are smooth, but there should be no reason one can't use other functions.

I didn't state why this would work, it turns out that KAN are based on the Kolmogorov-Arnold representation theorem which is a connivent way to represent real-valued multivariate functions as a sum of univariate functions over the domain $[0,1]$. I did not know about this!

This is my best understanding of the KAN paper, but I've barely scratched the surface of the 48 pages. The other thing is that the function composition in eq. $\eqref{eq:KA}$ is represented in KANs as a matrix operations, i.e., $\text{KAN}(\mathbf{x})= (\Phi_{N} \;\circ \Phi_{N-1} \; \circ \;\dots \;\circ \Phi_1)(\mathbf{x})$, so I think its just a linear function matrix (see eq. 2.6 in [1]). I need to understand better.

If I am getting this wrong above please drop a comment. The graphical abstract covers all what I tried to convey above better:

Abstract graphic for KANs from [1].

The thing that interests me is that KANs actually seem more intuitive. The network learns the representative non-linear functions that capture characteristics of the data. I guess a MLPs do this as well but less effective? Well at least based on the paper which shows a much better scaling law compared to MLPs.

I don't think I'll have much time to focus more on this but I am very curious about the use of KANs over Gated MLPs in things like Graph Neural Networks. The authors of the preprint put together a very nice and usable python package, pykan.

Update 16 May, 2024

The author of ref. [1] posted a review video of the paper.

AlphaFold 3

Now onto the field of computational biochemistry and molecular biology. Google's Deepmind just published there research results for AlphaFold 3 [2]. Basically, it appears they have the ability to develop and discover new drugs using computational means as well as address other life science challenges. Google is probably sitting on a very lucrative resource, so kudos them for investing in it.

The thing thats a little bit off, is how all these big tech companies are doing research and publishing in science journals yet no one has access or knowledge into exactly how these models work and are trained. Its not bad that they want to keep the information internally but they probably shouldn't publish theb. I should make a blog post on this topic about how big tech scientist are now in the business of publishing papers; just a new kind era I guess.

I should mention that they did make available a compute server where non-commercial users can make queries with AlphaFold 3.


  1. I'll use $i$ to represent the layer edges and therefore the inputs $\mathbf{x}$ will be $i-1$, but this isn't standard notation. 

  2. This is totally different from how its written in ref. [1], but it helps me understand; at least I think 😏. 


[1] Z. Liu, Y. Wang, S. Vaidya, F. Ruehle, J. Halverson, M. Soljačić, T.Y. Hou, M. Tegmark, KAN: Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks, (2024). arXiv.

[2] Google DeepMind and Isomorphic Labs, Accurate structure prediction of biomolecular interactions with AlphaFold 3, Nature (2024) 1–3.

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